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How to setup google drive on windows server?

  • 21 Viewed
  • Updated on July 19, 2023
  • 3 Min Read

Google Drive is a well-known cloud storage and file synchronization service that gives people and organizations easy access and collaboration. Although Google Drive is generally used on personal computers, using it on a Windows server can offer further advantages, such as centralizing file management and providing shared access for server users. This in-depth guide will show you how to install Google Drive on a Windows server.

Learn how to set up Google drive on windows server by following the below steps:

  1. Log in to the server’s Windows OS.

Note: This must be done on the server itself locally.

  1. Go to Google drive and sign in/create a google/Gmail account.


  2. Install the desktop application.


    Note: There are two different types of accounts. For personal use, there is a limited amount of space that can be used unless more space is purchased. For a business account, you must contact Google for pricing and information. For demonstration purposes, we will use the personal account.


  3. Log into the Google account.


  4. Remove Desktop, Documents, and Pictures from the sync then click Choose Folder.


  5. Choose Storage Group and the platform space in which you would like to sync with Google. Click Select Folder.


  6. Allow the sync to proceed.

    Note: The speed is determined by your internet connection, not the server.


  7. Download Desktop Application for Workstation and sign in.

Do not sync Desktop, Documents or Pictures, but complete the backup application setup so an application can be on the desktop. It should add a folder in your Finder/File Explorer that you can access your Google Drive from. This folder should contain the Platform Space that was synced.

Files may not display immediately if they are still synchronizing to Google Drive. Changes made to the Google Drive folder that has synchronized Platform Spaces should reflect the most recent side. If the workstation has recently made modifications, the platform should run a sync cycle to update the files on the platform server. This, once again, is based on your internet connection.

Here’re the 2 benefits of setting up Google drive on windows server:

  • Centralized File Storage: You can centralize file storage and give server users a single location to view and manage files by installing Google Drive on a Windows Server. Minimizing duplication and streamlining file management allows all authorized users to access the most recent version of files readily.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Thanks to Google Drive’s collaboration capabilities, team members can update documents in real-time while sharing them without hassle. You can promote collaboration within your server environment by setting up Google Drive on a Windows Server, enabling numerous users to work on the same documents simultaneously and quickly exchange files.

You can easily install Google Drive on your Windows Server and use all of its cloud storage and collaboration features by following the instructions in this guide.

If you’re still having trouble setting up Google drive on windows server and need more help, feel free to contact us at +1-855-223-4887

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