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QuickBooks Windows Administrator Permission Issue

  • 11 Viewed
  • Updated on October 10, 2014
  • 3 Min Read

One of the issues while working with QuickBooks is the Windows Administrator Permission issue. This is encountered while trying to open the company file through QuickBooks. What might be happening in the background of the application is that the services responsible for initiating one of the QuickBooks .exe (or executable) file would be failing to do so. In order to re-initiate QuickBooks authentication from an Administrator or a user with Administrative privileges and in the absence of the same, an error is displayed.

Following can the reasons to why this error shows up:

1) QBDB2x service has stopped triggering the .EXE file. To restart the same the Startup type should be:

  • Automatic (How is explained later).
  • A batch file with the script to trigger the QBDB2x services and QBCFMonitor Services (How is again explained later)

2) QBDB2x permissions are not provided to the specific folder of the corresponding company file.

3) Simultaneous presence of QuickBooks Enterprise and other QuickBooks edition of the same year. The database for QuickBooks editions for the same year is common usually but in case of QuickBooks Enterprise, a separate folder is created. This would not be an issue as QBDB24 is still pointing to the same file for the program data is common whereas in case of Enterprise this needs a switch due to uncommon program data file. In order to switch this needs Administrative user permissions and hence the error.

1) By typing services.msc on Run (Windows+R) we can search for QBDB2x service and change the Startup type to “Automatic” from Manual.
Refresh the service. [NOTE: Restarting the service is stopping and starting the service. This will affect all the logged in users.]

QuickBooks Windows Administrator Permission Issue

QuickBooks DB Properties

2)  Locate the folder for the corresponding company file and check if the corresponding QBDB2x user has the access to that folder. This can be achieved by clicking on the properties of the folder and visiting the Security tab. Edit and add the user QBDB2x, provide full permissions. Further details on permissions can be found in Permissions article.

3) Provide Administrative privileges to all the users who use these applications.

The script batch file consists of the following commands:

net start QuickBooksDB2x // Triggers the QBDB service of the respective year 20xx

net start QBCFMonitorService // Triggers the QBCFMonitor service

TIMEOUT <in seconds> // Timeout value.

 4) The above batch (saved as name.bat) file has to added to task scheduler tasks. The user account can QBUser which can be created with Administrator privileges and common password mentioned in the description.

 5) Options to be checked in General Tab:

  • Run whether user is logged on or not
  • Run with highest privileges
  • Hidden

6) Options to be checked in Triggers Tab:

  • Begin the task “At log on”
  • Any user
  • Repeat task every 5 minutes.
  • Duration: Indefinitely
  • Check “Enabled”

7) Under actions, add the respective batch file by clicking on New.


The presence of an Administrator resolves the issue of this error and hence somehow the same needs to be ensured through permissions or scripting.

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