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An Eight-Step Guide on How to Change a User Password on the Server

  • 4 Viewed
  • Updated on October 9, 2014
  • 1 Min Read

Now that you own a server [Dedicated or Shared], and you have multiple users working on it either simultaneously or via round robin.

So, one of our users has left your organization and you don’t want him to misuse his login credentials, what do you do? You simply change his password!

This situation could arise when one of users has forgotten the password completely or in case of a routine password change process.

Here are the simple steps that you need to follow:

Step 1:

Go to your designated server location.

Step 2:

Click on the “Start” menu from the Windows tab.


Step 3:

Right click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop or from the start menu.

Step 4:

Click on the “manage” option from the list of options which appear in the drop-down menu.


Step 5:

Next, click on the “Local users and groups” option.


Step 6:

Click on the “Users” option next.


Step 7:

Select the desired user whose password you need to change.

Step 8:

Right click on the username and change the password according to your own convenience.


Just follow these steps and you’re done. How easy is that?

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