Data Transfer Utility

Transfer or merge lists and transactions from one QuickBooks file to another QuickBooks file automatically

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    Business Function

    QuickBooks users can quickly transfer (merge) transactions and list data from one file to another using the Q2Q Data Transfer Utility. The utility will automate the process, but you’ll still be in full control while it is being completed.




    QuickBooks (Pro, Premier, Enterprise)


    Features And Benefits

    QuickBooks Integration

    Integrate this utility with QuickBooks to ensure seamless data transfer between files.

    Reduced Effort

    Wish to create a file for the IRS audit with a minimal effort? Create a new file with this utility for the previous financial year.

    Transfer Data from Enterprise to Pro/Premier

    The Data Transfer Utility is helpful in transferring data from Enterprise files to Pro/Premier files.

    Send Journal Entries

    CPAs can send journal entries to clients.

    Improve Data Security

    Worried about hiding information from interns? Make your interns enter data in a file without displaying any sensitive information and then transfer it.

    Transfer Files Between Different Machines

    With Data Transfer Utility, transfer files between different machines connected to the same network.

    QuickBooks Cloud Hosting is What You Need

    QuickBooks Desktop is a powerful accounting tool built to automate the finances – track your financial transactions and taxes with ease. Traditionally, QuickBooks was accessible through the machine it was installed on. But not anymore!

    When you move QuickBooks to the cloud with Ace Cloud Hosting’s platform, you gain the flexibility to work from any device. Ace Cloud Hosting’s secure cloud platform allows you to install Data Transfer Utility and other business add-ons along with QuickBooks, so that you get a complete business accounting solution.

    • 99.99% Uptime
    • Always-on Support
    • Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery
    • Enterprise-grade Security
    • 45-day Backup
    • 10-day Free Trial