Staffwiz Simplified Global Remote Staffing with Managed Security

The Advantage in Global Remote Workforce Management

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    About Company

    Staffwiz is a global staffing leader redefining remote workforce solution. Operating in the United States and the Philippines, they provide tailored staffing for businesses worldwide. Challenged by cybersecurity vulnerabilities, Staffwiz consulted Ace Cloud Hosting for expertise in managed security services. Ace Cloud Hosting responded with multiple industry-grade cybersecurity measures to ensure Staffwiz get a secure network for their work-from-home employees.
    “Our work-from-home policy and onboarding have really improved. So far, Ace Cloud Hosting is a great company. They understand what needs to be done and know how to solve issues at hand,”


    • Lack of specialized cybersecurity expertise
    • Common attack surfaces
    • Enforcing certain internet usage policies
    • Privacy and security concerns as per HIPAA compliance mandates
    • Frequent Windows crashes and constant issues


    • Comprehensive SIEM Deployment
    • EDR for Endpoint Security
    • DNS Filtering for Internet Security
    solutions img
    Explore how Ace Cloud Hosting Managed Security Solutions secured Staffwiz to redefine their global staffing excellence

    Empowered by Leading Partnerships: Veeam, CrowdStrike, Cisco Umbrella and Proofpoint

    Ace Cloud Hosting proudly collaborates with industry leaders to provide cutting-edge solutions. Collaborating with Veeam ensures robust data protection. CrowdStrike powers our endpoint security, while Proofpoint strengthens email defenses. Cisco Umbrella enforces and secures your internet usage policies by providing DNS-layer security, content filtering, and threat protection. Together, we craft an impenetrable shield against evolving cyber threats.