Ace Cloud Hosting Celebrates Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day celebrated on 26th August commemorates the 1920 certification of the Nineteenth Amendment of the Constitution by the US government, granting women the right to vote. This day marks a turning point in the history of the struggle that women have faced throughout their lives.

Over the last century, the world has witnessed what women are capable of. From politicians to scientists, and entrepreneurs leading Fortune 500 companies, women have shown what they can achieve, given the right opportunity.

Women Equality Day 2020Today, many fast-growing organizations are led by women leaders, and this trend seems to be on the rise. In fact, the number of women CEOs of Fortune 500 companies today is more than at any point in the 63-year history of Fortune 500.

This Women’s Equality Day, Ace Cloud Hosting reached out to some amazing women out there for some inspiring words that would motivate you to work harder no matter what:

1. Sangeeta Chhabra – Director, Ace Cloud Hosting | LinkedIn

As workplaces around the world embrace gender equality and sensitize their employees to gender differences, a question of disparity should not even arise. The ground reality, however, continues to be quite the contrary – women face mounting challenges and discrimination as they climb up the organizational hierarchy.

This is why we have incorporated a culture of change in our organization at every level. By keeping our workforce balanced and maintaining a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to gender biases, we have encouraged women to be confident about their identity and individuality.

Such a stand becomes most important in the digitally connected COVID world, where misinformation is rampant, and merit alone should be the route to an employee’s success. This Women’s Equality Day, we are all about the three ‘Equals’ for women—equal pay, equal work, and equal growth.

Sangeeta Chhabra

2. Alice Heiman – Founder, Alice Heiman, LLC | LinkedIn

As women, we may face many challenges, but the worst is usually our own belief. We hold ourselves back. When I catch myself saying, “I can’t do that.” I flip the script to, “How can I do that? What would it take?” If I can’t figure it out, I get help.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you do and you get a no – go ask someone else.

What do you believe about yourself? Are any of those beliefs holding you back?

Alice Heiman

3. Andrea Pereira – Founder, Rocket Science Branding | LinkedIn

Let your only goal to be – to do work that you are proud of. Nothing else, and no one else matters. It doesn’t have to be fancy or glamorous, but on the dark days, you’ll know it was worth it, that it was the right thing to do, because you will feel proud of yourself.

Andrea Pereira

4. Ashleigh Early – Co-Host, The Other Side of Sales | LinkedIn

I think the biggest hurdle women face today (that is in their control) are the limits we place on ourselves. Whatever you think you can’t do – you probably can. Maybe not the traditional way others have, but there is nothing we can’t do.

Ashleigh Early

5. Lynn Powers – Commercial Sales Director, Clari | LinkedIn

For Women to dominate in a male-dominated field, it takes grit, tenacity, grace, and fearlessness to persevere. Have a strong mindset – you CAN do it.

Lynn Powers

6. Eileen Maki – Writer and Accountant | LinkedIn

Don’t dwell on things that can’t be changed. Concentrate on the changes you can make now.

Eileen Maki

7. Christine Crandell – President, New Business Strategies | LinkedIn

Within each woman, beats the heart of a leader. The world is beginning to acknowledge that we are equal and that our unique strengths improve the financial and competitive performance of organizations.

Our obligation is to use our superpowers to bring balance back into the world and use our energy in ways that positively impact humanity, the planet, and our communities. There is no time like the present to believe in your power, in yourself, in your ability to affect change. Surround yourself with supportive tribes and go forth – the world’s future needs each of you.

Christine Crandell

8. Angela Earl – Vice President, Global Marketing, RFPIO | LinkedIn

Many of us have moments where we question our success or abilities. In moments where imposter syndrome begins to creep in, I remind myself of two things. First, I don’t know a successful person whose path is paved without bricks laid by their own hard work.

And second, no one’s path is paved entirely on their own. We all have bricks placed by mentors, coaches, colleagues, and friends.

Angela Earl

9. Lorena Morales – Vice President, Marketing, Go Nimbly | LinkedIn

Based on my own life perception, talking about equity starts to feel vague – believing everyone can get the exact same ‘x’ or ‘y.’ That’s very far from reality- those who get more will never complain about it. I believe more in meritocracy, which is closer to this idealistic concept of fairness, which has inspired every single one of the steps through my life.

Lorena Morales

10. Martha Boneta – Chairman, Vote America First TM | LinkedIn

Women are the heartbeat of the world, and we do not have to ask permission for a seat at ‘the table.’ I grew up in a family where I was told if I work hard, I could achieve anything in life. Today more than ever before, women are on the frontlines of innovation, creating prosperity and opportunity for generations to come.

Martha Boneta


Women’s Equality Day comes once a year, but let these quotes inspire you forever!

What inspires you to keep working hard? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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