Women’s in Accounting Industry: A Women’s Day Special

International Women’s Day is on March 8, and Ace Cloud Hosting feels honored to celebrate the women as achievers.

International Women's Day March 8 2019

The purpose of the celebration is to spread the message of equality for the women in our society. It is to make sure that every woman gets what they deserve, and no gender bias is present to stop them from achieving it. The theme for this year’s Women’s Day is “Balance for Better”, which empowers the thought and ideology of gender equality.

Gender equality is not just women’s need, but it’s a necessity for society as well as businesses. Women are supporting society and businesses as much as men. Hence, gender biased approach is not only going to cause ignorance towards their talent but will also hurt the performance of the business.

Today, various businesses try to maintain an equal woman to men ratio in their workplace. Also, the accounting industry is one of the best examples of ‘how women are competing and challenging gender stereotypes.’ Women are achieving and inspiring every industry.

Accounting doesn’t lag behind; from 28% of women graduating with an accounting degree in 1977 to 53% in 2011. Things are changing significantly, and we are proud to be part of this change. Women are continuously proving their potential and inspiring positive changes throughout. Today more than half of the accountants are women irrespective of many stereotypes and gender bias in our society.

Moreover, one of the key reasons behind the rising number of women in the accounting industry is mobile and cloud technology.

Quote by Joanie Cooper Mann on women's day

“We are in the era of the Internet, and it has dramatically changed the way we connect and interact… and even how we perceive the world and our place in it. I am a strong advocate of cloud computing and other technology that remove barriers in connecting and collaborating with others. All of this is empowering women to lead and to innovate in the tech space, enabling a future that brings greater empowerment and improvement in social and economic lifestyles for women.”

Joanie Cooper Mann, Principal Consultant

Mobile technology and cloud computing allowed the workplace to be flexible which enables women to have a better work-life balance.

However, it’s also true that even after the fact that there are so many females that are pursuing their career in the accounting industry, there are very few of them those have some leadership position. Situations like these make the celebration of International Women’s Day an essential.

Some companies and firms are missing out on their valuable female employees as they are not offered to have the deserved ranks or positions in the company. Hence, this disparity has to change because by doing so the company is not losing valuable employees but missing out on some blind spots in the company.

Firms are nowadays taking steps to change the situation via women sponsorship programs, workshops, and conferences that unfolds the positive aspects of women in the accounting field. Creating a safe, women-friendly workspace and a viable career path will allow women to do more for firms, in creating more and giving more to the firms.

More the firms will be investing in improving and developing the skills of women; more positive results will be there. Also, by doing so, it may help women in the accounting field in decreasing some of the burdens they face in society every day.

Quote by Geni Whitehouse on women's day

“As accountants, we are in a unique position to create balance in the world, both literally in the work that we do and in creating opportunities for more women to enter the workforce on their own terms. Thanks to tools like Ace Cloud Hosting, we are no longer restricted to working in offices but can work remotely from a location of our choice, on our schedule.  We are finally able to empower not only ourselves but our clients to build the life of our dreams. “

Geni Whitehouse, CPA, Keynote Presenter, TEDx Napa Valley Speaker, Author, and Techie

Allowing women in the accounting field will definitely increase the firm’s capabilities and effectiveness. Every firm need to make sure that their hiring process is entirely gender unbiased and should provide enough platforms to support women empowerment.

While the accounting industry has seen massive development in the last few decades and on the other hand, we must ensure that women are empowered to join the higher ranks in the field. Having an equal share of power and position will give a boost to gender equality at the workplaces.

Quote by Dr. Sangeeta Chhabra on women's day

“We have covered a long distance for achieving #BalanceForBetter. There is still a long way to go. At Ace Cloud Hosting, we are continuously working to craft our solutions in a way that simplify work for women and empower them. We support them with technology for overcoming all barriers and make the best of every opportunity. Whether she is a business owner or an employee, we are here to assist them in achieving their goals.”

Dr. Sangeeta Chhabra, Director at Ace Cloud Hosting

So, let’s celebrate this day altogether, and encourage all the women around the world to do better, be better, and that’s what we at Ace Cloud Hosting stands for #BalanceforBetter.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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