What is Application Virtualization? 

Application virtualization, like desktop Virtualization, is a process of simulating an application on different systems other than it was installed on. Users can experience a native-like application interface on any platform of their choice. The IT admin needs to introduce a layer between the virtualized application and the OS for virtualizing such an environment.  

The Virtual environment replaces essential portions that are needed from OS to execute an application. This also deems virtualization as platform independent due to single file execution instead of dispersed data throughout the operating system. The IT admin installs and executes the application on the server of a (VM) Virtual Machine to deliver the applications for end-user computing.  

How Does App Virtualization Work? 

Server-based hosting of applications on VMs is responsible for application virtualization. The DaaS providers load applications on the server consisting of virtual machines, which are made available to the client via network access. The user can now access the application like it’s stored in their system locally. Users’ instructions are transmitted and executed over the server.  

Apps Virtualization offers centralized management of the complete virtualized environment. This enables IT admins to release patches and updates to one image and reflect it on each device. There’s no need to configure every device manually.  

Know how application virtualization makes your business future ready


Top Benefits of Application Virtualization 

Simplified Management 

In-House IT teams spend a lot of quality time on operations and management. For enterprises, it can be feasible; however, for small to mid-level organizations and startups, managing can put a dent in their wallet. As operations cost increase with the workforce, the time to manage such an extensive infrastructure also increases. This is where app virtualization plays a significant role, making it easier to manage and maintain applications and software over multiple devices from a single admin point.   


Every organization aims to scale its business productivity while keeping its expenditure in check. Application Virtualization enables organizations to save costs and offer high-end solutions on all connected devices. It also allows organizations to implement BYOD policies and thin clients, where all the heavy computing is taken care of at the server end. Correspondingly, companies are given the liberty to save money and spend less on setting up infrastructure.  

Moreover, App virtualization empowers users to execute different applications that were non-compatible with their original system—for example, running windows applications on a Linux-based system or vice-versa.  

 Data Security 

Since every employee started remote working by policy for the first time, it became imperative for organizations to find ways to ensure the data safety of their clients. Even before Covid, cyberattacks were prominent, especially in the healthcare industry. Application Virtualization has centralized architecture so that all the data is stored in one place over the cloud in the data centers instead of on multiple physical devices. Furthermore, this data is encrypted and transmitted in packets, preserving the integrity of the data.  

In addition, if a device is stolen, lost, or damaged somehow, the IT admin can easily overrule the virtual access without ever locating the device.  

Reduced Conflicts 

There are instances when you are not allowed to execute two or more applications simultaneously due to some compliance or compatibility issues. Virtualization resolves this issue to a great extent. Since the sessions of an application run virtually over the cloud, the endpoint device complications are neglected profoundly. This gives the power to the users to be more productive, as multiple applications can now be accessed simultaneously, saving them time.  

Use Cases of Application Virtualization 


Minimizes Dependencies on Legacy Solutions 

Many organizations are embracing the 21st-century digital transformation revolution and are migrating to more advanced technologies to gain a competitive edge over their competitors. One example is Pinterest, which shifted its application from Java to Kotlin in 2016. However, there are some legacy systems that you can’t move from quickly, as seen in bank applications. Even though they use feature-rich technology for front-end solutions, for security purposes, they still heavily rely on Java.  

In such cases, incorporating application virtualization solutions will provide a better computing experience to employees, with the flexibility of working from anywhere to accessing multiple applications and sources together.  

When Rolling Out New Application on Cloud 

Introducing new applications on the intra-organization level can be challenging. For a large organization, management uses a phased approach to submit new applications. Implementing the solution within the whole organization can take a lot of time. With the help of application virtualization, IT admins can easily implement the app on-premise on a selected portion. Cloud applications with a non-cloud version can now coexist within the same environment, and users can freely switch between applications.  

Providing a One-Stop Solution 

Several application development organizations use different emulators to mimic the environment of Android or iOS to create, test, and deploy applications. Developers also need access to multiple tools that are spec-rich and need high-processing systems. Clusters of developers and testers can be formed in an organization; however, providing and catering to each of their specific requirements can be challenging, even for a refined app development company.

To offer centralized management or resources, you need to host applications and services with the cloud’s help. You will need application virtualization and a solution like VDI or Workspace 365 to execute this system.  

Capitalize on the Shift Towards Application virtualization 

Looking at the current trend and competition, organizations need to be upfront and proactive in adopting new-age technology. It also includes migrating their services and tasks to the cloud. Application Virtualization is the result of this trend shift.  

Digital transformation with an organization’s virtualization includes aggregating services, devices, and apps into one managed workspace. More thousands of organizations have already embraced Virtual applications for their infrastructure. It allowed them to centrally publish, update, manage, and delete their applications, users, or data. Moreover, some have gone beyond traditional working and let their employees work remotely permanently by availing them of thin clients from the office side. The effect: these companies cut down the hefty cost of ownership and improved productivity in return.  

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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