Should You Move to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)? [INFOGRAPHIC]

The term ‘VDI’ or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure was originated by VMware. Since its inception in 2006, the VDI market has grown to another level. Desktop virtualization has taken a rise, and we can see how the working environment has changed with the BYOD regime followed in many premises.

Businesses are shifting from traditional methods of doing work due to the work-from-home culture. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure(VDI) provides an office working environment from any location & any device they want.

Should you move to VDI? The answers lie in the key benefits that were originally proclaimed & remain the top reasons for implementing VDI whether its deployment is on-premise or cloud-based.

Here is an infographic depicting the various aspects that tell us why we should move to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).

Let’s understand the points in detail –

Should You Move to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Streamlined IT Management

Moving to VDI means more simplicity to the IT-managed tasks – From setting up new employees’ desktops to the maintenance of existing tens of thousands of end-user devices.

In VDI, everything is stored at a central server & whenever a new application has to be deployed, the IT team creates an image of it at a central point that reflects at the connected endpoint. So, VDI deployment provides you with more efficiency & productivity.

Fully Unanimous Control

VDI manages how things are carried out in the desktop environment. All the applications, data, licenses renewal & permission on the individual device are in the IT department’s control. VDI simplifies things with a click of a button as you can provide & retain access to the applications from a single point.

Magnify Flexibility

With VDI, desktop deployment becomes easy. Virtual desktops can easily be created for contractors, remote employees, and C-suite executives with the required configuration. VDI provides more flexibility in working with more productivity through end-point devices that only require internet access.

Reduction in Expenses

Hosted VDI can save you hardware purchase expenses as companies need to pay only for what they are using. Moreover, it also saves the operational costs of on-premises desktops as its maintenance requires a dedicated IT support team.

Aid Remote Workers

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure(VDI) supports remote working schemes & it is also backed up by many employers these days. Due to COVID-19, 64% of US employees are working from home now. Since 2005, we can see there is a steady rise in remote workers by 140%, which is, in turn, increased 10 times faster than any workforce.

Ending Note

People are liking this transformation of working in a traditional on-premises environment to the digital working space where one can work at any point of time regardless of the location by using any device & any OS through hosted VDI or cloud-based VDI.

VDI additionally expands device adaptability since the client can get to their virtual work environment from their home PC, tablet, or cell phone, making a safer stage for a company’s BYOD idea.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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