Points to Consider While Setting Up Accounting Users on Cloud

In a business environment that is constantly shifting towards ‘work from anywhere, anytime’ culture, accounting operations are no exception. There is steep growth in the adoption of accounting solutions that provide remote accessibility among almost every size of accounting need – be it individual or multinational corporation.

There are various ways of accessing accounting software, such as QuickBooks, remotely. Among them, cloud is considered the most advantageous for many reasons. Simplicity with usage and limitless users collaboration are some of them.


When backed by proper security policies and trusted cloud service, remote access to the accounting application can bring in plenty of benefits, which includes reduction of expenses and growth in efficiency. Another factor that plays a crucial role in defining the success with remote accounting on cloud is the pensive management of users.

User Access and Permissions for Cloud Accounting

Enabling a number of users to access the application at their comfort is one of the major advantages with remote access. At the same time, the accounting information is of utmost importance and requires special care concerned to the variation in the extent that can be shared with different users.

For example, some users will require the permissions only to edit the information while some will be restricted to just view. Hence, need to define different permissions for them. Along with that, there is need of changing the access permission for different reasons, especially when business accounting is in consideration.

Some accounting professionals may join in, while some may leave and accordingly one has to keep changing the user management.

It might appear a daunting task to control with such precision and that too for the users located in the different parts of the world and working on different types of devices. But, things are simple with cloud. Cloud allows simplistic options to define the roles for different users and accordingly set the permissions for them.

Depending on the accounting application and cloud service that you pick to host, the number of users can vary, but you will have the control to set up separate login credentials for them along with the permission allowance.

Why Different Users Needs to be Defined

The same login credential can be shared with a number of users but that can create chaos with operations. Consider a case in which multiple users are working on the same accounting files. One would not be able to track who made the changes and the expected comfort of the cloud will fade off.

Providing a separate login to the different users not only help in monitoring the operations but also enhance the level of collaboration efficiency.

Why Different Roles and Permissions are Needed

Different people associated with the accounting department have different operations to perform. One can be an auditor and someone else is a bookkeeper; they have different tasks to do. Working simultaneously on the accounting software, these roles must be configured and accordingly permissions to use application and data is set up.

Most of the cloud solutions provide predefined roles for admin, managers, executives, etc. Such permission control ensures that the accounting information and actions

are in symmetry with the demand of your requirements. No unauthorized users is accessing the data that is not meant to be shared with them. Also, it helps the users understand the task/actions that they are supposed to work on without being distracted by reaming usability of the application.

Final Note:

Admin user always has the power to set up the users and change their permissions, which gives the convenience of accommodating with the changing business and accounting needs. This means you can add, remove, or authorize certain application-specific permissions for the remote access for any number of a user within a few clicks.

And the best part is that all this control remains with you without any restriction of geographical location and device.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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Comments (1)

  • User's profile picture Albert says:

    Hey, Nishant !
    I agree with you that defining the proper hierarchy of users within any cloud environment we can achieve a greater level of transparency and accuracy

  • User's profile picture Ellie says:

    Thanks for this post!
    Interteam collaboration becomes very efficient as every employee know whom to contact to for further procedures.

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