How To Protect Against Ransomware?

Can you recall the WannaCry and Petya attacks that made the headlines recently?  

These are the ransomware attacks wherein you were asked to pay some ransom to get your data back. There are many different types of malware out there, but out of them, ransomware is one of the most dangerous types of malware. It is malware that infects your computer system and then locks it down. This blog will give tips on protecting your computer against different kinds of ransomware.
How to protect against ransomware
Protecting your business against ransomware is more crucial than ever before. With the recent WannaCry and Petya ransomware in the headlines, it’s clear that ransomware is a severe threat. You’re not alone if you recently discovered that a ransomware attack hit your business. Many organizations are struggling to deal with the threat of ransomware. While there’s no way to prevent a ransomware attack completely, there are steps you can take to ensure you’re prepared if you find yourself in the crosshairs of an attack.
Ransomware is malware that encrypts your files, making them unreadable until you pay to get them decrypted. 

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is one of the most pervasive types of cybercrime. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on your computer and demands money in exchange for their decryption, or “ransom.” The attacker will permanently delete all your files if you don’t pay up.

Secure Your organisation from Ransomware attacks

Ransomware has become so prevalent that there are now dedicated forums where people trade tips on how to avoid getting hit by it. To protect yourself against ransomware, here are some things you can do:

1. Practice Safe Browsing

  • Use a VPN

A virtual private network (VPN) is a secure way to access the Internet without giving away your personal information or location. It will hide your IP address, protect you against identity theft and other cybercrime, and even make it harder for hackers to track down where you are online.  

  • Use a secure browser and password manager

To prevent unwanted data from being sent over the web, use a secure browser that encrypts all of its traffic (like Google Chrome). You can also use one of many free password managers like Psono, LastPass or 1Password; these programs will generate random passwords for every page, so no one knows what they are until it’s too late—and if anyone does get their hands on them anyway, at least those passwords aren’t easy for anyone else but yourself alone.

2. Think Before You Click

One of the most common ransomware targets is your computer’s web browser. You can protect yourself from this by not clicking links in emails from people you don’t know, and if you see an attachment in an email message that doesn’t seem like it belongs there (it may be too large or have unusual formatting), don’t open it.  

3. Be Careful With Your Email Attachments

The most common way to spread ransomware is through an attachment in an email. For example, if you get an email that looks like it’s from a friend or colleague but then opens up with a document attached with malicious code, this could be how the virus spreads from computer to computer. If you open the document and run any of its commands (like “exit”), your computer will be infected and need to be cleaned up before you can use it again safely without fear of getting hacked again by someone else who has access.
Additionally, you can have a Managed Email Security Solution in place to have maximum Ransomware protection.
Suggested Reading: 8 Best Email Security Practices To Follow in 2022

4. Keep your Antivirus Software up to date

  • Make sure your operating system is up to date.  
  • Make sure you’re running the latest browser version and that it’s been patched for whatever vulnerabilities could be exploited by ransomware viruses (see below).  
  • Turn on firewalls for all web browsers, email clients, and other applications that connect to the Internet; this will protect against attacks from outside sources.  

You can also have a Managed Cloud Firewall in place to have an advanced level of Ransomware protection.
Suggested Reading: 6 Cloud Security Challenges You Should Know About In 2022

5. Backup Important Files Regularly

If you’re unsure how often to backup, set a schedule and create a manual backup regularly. You should also be able to back up files to another computer in your household or even external storage such as USB flash drives (small, portable hard drives).
Keep every aspect of your computer and devices secure to ensure you don’t fall victim to ransomware.  

  • Use a password manager

If you’re prone to typing your passwords into the same spot every time, you must use a password manager. This way, your accounts are protected with unique and secure passwords—and most importantly: they won’t be stored in one place where hackers can find them!  

  • Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network)

If possible, keep all of your devices protected by using a VPN connection instead of just one device at home or work. This will help ensure that no one can see what information is being sent over the Internet when connecting through public Wi-Fi spots or other insecure networks such as those found on airplanes or hotels.  


There are many ways you can protect yourself against ransomware. One of the best ways is to practice safe browsing and think before you click. Don’t click on a website or link if you’re unsure about the website or link. Another tip is to keep your email attachments as small as possible so they won’t trigger any alerts if something happens somewhere down the line (such as if someone tries to send an attachment). Finally, make sure that all software updates are up-to-date on any devices which could be vulnerable such as laptops or smartphones; this will help reduce the chances of being targeted by hackers who might want access to your system so that they can take over control of everything!
If you’re looking for a managed security solution that’s right for you, we’d love to schedule a free consultation with you. Our experts can help you evaluate your needs and recommend a customized solution for your business. Please get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation with one of our security experts!

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About Nolan Foster

With 20+ years of expertise in building cloud-native services and security solutions, Nolan Foster spearheads Public Cloud and Managed Security Services at Ace Cloud Hosting. He is well versed in the dynamic trends of cloud computing and cybersecurity.
Foster offers expert consultations for empowering cloud infrastructure with customized solutions and comprehensive managed security.

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