How Cloud Computing Has Worked in Favor of SMBs

The groundbreaking success of SMBs over the years is all because of the advancements in the field of cloud technology. They have open-handedly accepted cloud technology and will witness better adoptions in the future. The size of SMBs is such that they don’t require a huge investment to run their processes. This is where cloud computing comes handy, as it is easily affordable and tailor-made for organizations that can’t afford the huge capital investment.

How Cloud Computing Has Worked in Favor of SMBs

What also drives the growth of SMBs is the fact that they can convert a desired plan into revenues overnight. Cloud computing provides that solid base to SMBs so that they can initiate their plans into operations exceedingly well. It builds up management, boosts communication and ultimately enables SMBs to meet their deadlines in time.

These features of cloud computing have made it a hot favorite among SMBs:


The sudden shift of a business from one platform to the other can be a daunting process. But moving it to the cloud can help save a company thousands of dollars. Cloud technology can lead to cost cutting especially for IT organizations trying to execute a plan that needs the movement of resources virtually. The biggest boon of cloud computing is that it is easily customizable for any business.

A large number of servers and operating systems can be developed quickly and can be deployed according to the needs of the business. It allows the company to start working on its processes within a limited time frame.


This is quite a reason for the growth of cloud computing. The affordable prices that cloud service providers offer to their users are the biggest cause for their development. Most cloud service providers charge their users on monthly basis or the user can pay per user as well. This feature brings in many more customers, be it the experienced ones or new startups.

And the fact that SMBs operational cost is limited in comparison to big players makes it easy for them to prepare a proper workspace of cloud technology for their operations.


Cloud technology is affordable and customizable but on the other hand, it is reliable as well. The trust SMB owners have in cloud service providers is because most of them finish the tasks in the same uptime and very few create a disruption when the systems are updating or server maintenance is going on.

The laws in the agreements are designed in such a way that the user can easily harness benefits from the service provider if a major downtime happens in the system. So as far as you and your service provider have agreed to clear terms in the agreement, your cloud investment won’t be affected.


When your business processes are being transferred to a cloud platform, it will ensure that core processes of your business are in full swing. Small operations like upgrading servers, downloading updates and installing them are all taken care by the cloud platform. It works in the best interest of the company by utilizing limited resources yet still completes every task on time.

When all these minor tasks are being done by cloud platform, the organization can perform to the best of its abilities and cultivate higher revenues. But the user still has to be aware of what cloud platform will be best for his business operations.

Low Capital Investment

Cloud solution not only provides cost-cutting features to organizations but also is a low capital investment. When deciding the capital investment for cloud computing, the owner doesn’t have to hesitate as the cost is bearable and assures return on investment.

Cloud service providers pitch such a price to organizations that most of them end up buying their annual plans. Rather than being a point of discussion, capital investment in cloud technology comes across as a breather for the owners.

Needful Usage

Another feature cloud computing offers is the way an organization can use it. The owner doesn’t have to build a large setup for his business. The resources can be used according to the size and shape of the business. For instance, if there are 10 servers in action and the company wants 8, the number of servers can be molded down in a short span of time without affecting other processes.

Cloud computing is perceived differently by every major and minor organization in the world, and it offers different benefits to each of them. But majorly SMBs are the ones that have gained the best features and are inventing more out of it.

On the other hand, cloud computing has also started a race among organizations to perform better than the other which is great for economies as it pushes the limitations of growth. But the offering cloud service providers are presenting to SMBs is giving rise to a situation where every new startup is incorporating cloud technology into its roots.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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Comments (7)

  • User's profile picture Daniel Oram says:

    For SMBs greatly relying on work-from-home, cloud is irreplaceable.

  • User's profile picture Ben Dunkle says:

    The fact that cloud can be adapted by business belonging to any field is amazing. It is the next level of computing and I am sure, sooner or later, it will be a necessity for the businesses.

  • User's profile picture Tony jones says:

    I would never rely on anyone else with my data. I believe data protection is more important for the business than saving some money or physical hardware space. Cloud computing is not for me to store the data and I will not be using it ever.

    • User's profile picture AceCloudHosting Editor says:

      Data protection is most important and cloud computing makes best efforts in that category. A reliable cloud service follows secure encryption methods for your data security, which means even the service storing the data doesn’t know about your data. However, a complete protection of data is hard to find; be it any platform- cloud or non-cloud. Also, Cloud is not about storing data. There is a lot more. And if you are using service, like- Gmail, Outlook, Google Docs or Facebook, you are using cloud services.

  • User's profile picture Scott F. Meister says:

    I have read a lot about cloud but still not sure which one should I adopt. Any suggestion?

  • User's profile picture Gary Eckstein says:

    Realtime collaboration, brainstorming, editing on various documents…no restriction of devices and OS…Cloud is such a nice thing.

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