How Hosted VDI Overcomes the Challenges of Traditional VDI?

VDI is a new-age desktop virtualization platform in which virtual desktops are hosted on centralized servers that are delivered to end-users over a dedicated network. Traditionally, these desktops are hosted on in-house servers or on-premise systems. It means that you are responsible for managing hardware, software, and regular updates.

This setup requires a lot of investment in terms of time, money, and effort. Hence, it often leads to many challenges while deploying, maintaining, and provisioning the desktops.

In order to overcome these issues, businesses all over the world are looking for cloud-hosted VDI as an option. In the hosted virtual desktop setup (also known as DaaS), third-party service providers provide you with virtual desktops and are also responsible for their maintenance.

As per the reports published by Citrix, around 22% of the VDI providers are planning to add cloud-based VDI solutions, and 49% of them are expecting to add DaaS (Desktop as a Service) to their services in the near future.

1. Custom Solutions

Challenge: An organization comprises various departments like HR, admin, marketing, finance, etc. Each of them requires a different set of resources to accomplish their tasks at hand. However, in the case of traditional VDI, it is your responsibility to handle each of these requests. It often becomes a tedious task to cope up with the changing demands of each individual.

Solution: The hosted VDI solution relieves you from the stress of deployment and maintenance of the desktops. It is because the virtual desktop hosting providers offer fully-managed services, wherein they will configure each desktop depending upon the requirements of the end-user. All you need to do is contact them, and providers will deploy the required desktop solutions.

Moreover, as the desktop is hosted on the cloud servers, there is no need to host in-house servers and utilize physical space to maintain it with cooling systems, biometric securities, surveillance, etc. The data centers have these customized solutions for housing your business information.

2. Server Downtime

Challenge: In the case of traditional VDI, maintaining servers, hardware, and software resources is the responsibility of the company. It often requires maintenance time and might face downtime due to system failures or other technical issues. This scenario often leads to reduced efficiency and productivity.

Solution: Choosing a competent hosted desktop solution provider like Ace Cloud Hosting ensures that you achieve the maximum possible uptime for a seamless workflow. As the desktops are replicated on multiple servers, you can access your virtualized desktop through another server even if one of them is down. Hence, it provides a disaster recovery solution in case of any mishap.

Additionally, the desktops are hosted on High-Performance Computing (HPC) servers to handle parallel processing and resource-extensive usage. You get a consistent and superfast network without worrying about running on-premise infrastructure and its deployment. It further helps you stay on top of your core competencies.

3. Higher Overall Cost

Challenge: The demands of a business keeps changing. The growth of a company means the requirement for more resources. Furthermore, the cost of installing, maintaining, and updating different resources can cut a hole in your pocket. One of the significant challenges with traditional VDI is the increasing capital and operational expenses.

Solution: Most of the hosted VDI providers offer pay-as-you-go pricing plans, wherein you only have to pay for the services and resources you are using.  The cloud-based environment helps cut down the cost of office infrastructures, such as in-house servers and high-tech desktops, as most of the processing is accomplished in the remote data centers.

Additionally, there is no need to hire a dedicated IT team to maintain the virtual desktops. It is the responsibility of cloud providers to setup, maintain, migrate, and upgrade the desktops within the network.

4. Security Concerns

Challenge: Business data is under constant threat of accidental loss and misusage. There are several cyberattacks that can compromise the availability, integrity, and privacy of the system if you use a traditional VDI setup.

Solution: Hosting virtual desktops on the cloud mitigates the chances of various accidental losses as the data is backed up at geographically isolated servers. Moreover, competent service providers implement various security measures, including TLS 1.3 and 256-bit data encryption, multi-factor authentication, Single Sign-On, OS hardening, identity management, and more.

The cloud hosting providers also secure the data centers with 24/7 CCTV surveillance, on-premise security personnel, fire alarms, biometric scanning, and temperature controls. Therefore, your data is safeguarded at every layer with hosted VDI.


Hosted VDI is a one-stop solution that provides various solutions to stay ahead of your competition. It is high time to abandon the traditional desktop virtualization system and adopt cloud-hosted desktops. The points mentioned above show some of the significant challenges you can overcome with the hosted virtual desktop.

Want to experience the benefits of hosted VDI? Get in touch with our VDI Experts at +1-855-223-4887.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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