Drew Carrick’s Views on Adapting to the New Way of Working

Throughout the world, businesses have made huge adjustments in their work culture this year. 2020 has made it necessary for organizations to mandate their workforce to work from home. While it is new for some, it is entirely normal for others. We’ve now arrived at a point where moving forward with the new normal is the only solution.


To help you and your employees adapt to the new ways of working, we at Ace Cloud Hosting reached out to Drew “The Rapping CPA” Carrick to gain some tips to help you plan for a smooth transition.

Known in the accounting and finance world as Petty Ca$h, Drew took his passion for content development and rapping into the professional Thought Leadership and social media influencer world by forming The Rapping CPA brand in 2015.

He is a multi-faceted consultant and entertainment personality, acting as an operations analyst, host, innovation strategy planner, and a millennial speaker and influencer, developing content mainly around business channels, as well as broader entertainment purposes.

Based in Long Island, New York, he works as a CPA and has a proven skillset to develop and implement systems and procedure logic. Find out more about his goals, aspirations, accomplishments, and skills via his website: www.therappingcpa.com.

Follow him on social media: Twitter and LinkedIn.

Here’s what he has to say:

What are your thoughts on the new way of working amidst COVID-19?

COVID-19 created a mandatory evolution in the way we work all around the world. For decades, experts and thought leaders had been telling us that the future was coming, and we needed to change, but most companies put the task of preparing for the future off to a later date.

That later date came practically overnight, and adaption was no longer optional – it became required for survival. The new way of working is not without kinks, though this could’ve been avoided had companies been slowly preparing and updating previously. But like it or not, it is the way of the future, and I am choosing to look at the positives that it offers.

Does remote working actually work for accounting firms?

There was actually very little need for accounting firms to ever actually need to be in person. So, the move to remote is a natural segue for the industry. The only shortcoming is that many IT departments haven’t been adequately resourced for a completely remote workforce, nor have accounting firm clients been digitally updated to be ready for it.

In theory, however, remote working works well for accounting firms so long as all support and documentation are digitally uploaded and stored in the cloud. All accounting firms need is for their employees to be able to access documents, so if it can be stored on a server and accessed from wherever, there is little need to ever go to the office again. Though I would like to add that human interaction is still essential!

Do you think Cloud Technology is an absolute necessity in the current situation?

I don’t see how any business can survive without cloud technology in the future. Regardless of the way the current crisis plays out, whether it lasts years or just a few more months, the need for a digitally focused and cloud technology-driven work environment is absolute.

It is hard to envision how any work can get done without cloud technology in the current situation, especially for companies where employees have not gone back to the office yet. The only way I can imagine such is if files are literally being emailed and messaged back and forth; this may work temporarily, but it wouldn’t be long before the information overload makes it impossible to be productive.

Is the migration of applications from the local desktop to the cloud as scary as thought?

The biggest hurdle to jump over in migrating to the cloud is trusting that the data and information will be safe and secure. There are pros and cons to both desktop storage and cloud storage, and while nothing is absolute, modern cloud technology such as blockchain enables completely secure and safe storage, so it is now just a matter of accepting that reality.

With new cloud technology, a server crashing does not mean data destruction, but a broken laptop might. Once individuals realize the cloud is just a universe-wide desktop with access from anywhere, they’ll be comfortable with the migration.

Do cloud service providers ensure the security of the data?

Security of data is important under both interpretations of “secure.” Firstly, it must be secure from the standpoint of being safe from being lost or deleted – people often save documents in three different locations because they want to be sure they don’t lose it.

This is the easy part, though. The second, more critical part of security comes from ensuring it is protected from external threats and cybersecurity attacks. Hacking and data theft are some of the biggest threats that people face, which actually would represent the scariest part about moving to the cloud.

Providers need to be sure they showcase that they are keeping the data secure because people are sensitive about sensitive and confidential information. It is necessary for that line of trust to exist.

To Conclude

It’s incredible if your company has gone remote and got accustomed to the new way of working. But, if not yet, it’s high time you get a plan for the smooth cloud migration of your business. Opting for cloud-based solutions would enable remote working for you and your employees without any geographical limitations.

Moreover, the service providers ensure that your applications and data are secured from cyberattacks such as ransomware in the cloud environment.

Are you still wondering about the migration or security of your application and data on the cloud? Talk to our Solutions Consultant now at +1-855-223-4887.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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