Cloud Computing Trends: Impact on Mobile Technology

Mobile technology has moved beyond limitations of imagination in the recent years. From operating system development to the compactness of the hardware, mobile technology is available in a completely new face. But, this advancement in technology is nowhere close to stagnancy. Cloud technology is yet to mark its lasting impression in this category. The cloud technology has started crawling on the mobile platform and has helped inject changes in the way people think about a phone.

Cloud Computing Trends Impact on Mobile Technology

Implementation of cloud computing on mobile technology promises the delivery of some great features. To reach the users in an enhanced manner, the cloud is a necessity for mobiles. The first look at the crust shows that cloud computing has converted a smartphone into a remote access to vast storage.

With cloud technology, users can store their personal data, documents, pictures and much more at single place via a simple handheld smartphone and can access it anywhere, anytime.

Giant Operating Systems and Apps in Lineup

The cloud computing trend has got a major booster with the advent of the giants in technology. With ‘Cloud first, Mobile first’ strategy, Microsoft has made its intentions clear about their focus. And Apple, too, has shown positive indications that they are innovating something really big with cloud technology in mobiles.

But leading them is someone else – the famous Android. Being cost effective is a major reason of its leadership. The biggest player in the mobile operating system market, Android, has always been keen on interpreting cloud technology into its cores. One of the most impressive things about Android is the freedom of app development, which can be further streamlined using an app development template to support modern needs.

Talking about the mobile apps and cloud, Dropbox cannot be missed. It supports a huge number of websites, internet applications, individual users and business with its cloud services. Dropbox, a San Francisco-based application is a massive name among the cloud computing players. Reports claim that Dropbox reached 400 million users worldwide.

Almost 7-year-old service has benchmarked the advancement of cloud in mobiles. As mobile app, it is available for almost all leading smartphone platforms, such as- Android, Windows, iOS, Blackberry, etc. But an interesting and impressive thing about Dropbox is that it has more to offer than just being a data dump option.

It offers a very intuitive mail application for Apple and Android devices. Carousel, an inbuilt application with Dropbox, designed to manage the photos and videos is a great plus.

Apple has its say as well

Apple, on the other hand, approached the cloud technology in a much broader way. Its iCloud service is for storing user’s data such as documents, pictures, audios, and videos. Apple took a different approach by developing its own cloud application to support storage and backup for its own devices rather than going with the flow of the industry.

This ultimately worked in favor of the company as most of its users were already waiting for it, because of their brand value. Launched in 2011, the network has about 320 million users recorded as on July 2013. It works on iOS 5 and above versions. For the mobile devices, it offers a very secure and reliable syncing feature.

Merging iTunes with the iCloud took most of the audience by surprise. Previously users were only able to add limited songs to their library, but with the introduction of iCloud, now they can add as many tracks as they wish to. It even acts a major tool to safeguard the personal data of the user if his phone is lost.

What lies ahead

The future of cloud technology on mobile phones appears to be very positive. Many new players are still emerging strongly in the market, which means the cloud sector is yet to achieve its optimum efficiency. As far as cloud technology goes, it is very cost efficient and green as well. That satisfies the basic need of the futuristic approach with technology.

With cloud technology getting a steady grip on smartphones, there are future possibilities that it will help companies to save millions in the manufacturing of storage devices like SD Cards, USB Drives, Hard Disks, etc.

Cloud technology will also lead to decisive innovations in data research with the help of mobile technologies. Being more users focused it can be devised to adapt with the habits and trends; it will help in delivering personalized and friendly services.

With proper time and investment, the cloud can do wonders to mobile phone technology. It might seem to be a lengthy process, but it has some great results in store.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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Comments (1)

  • User's profile picture Denise E. Baldwin says:

    One of the biggest advantages in going with cloud is freedom to be mobile. It is surprising that industry has still not reached its peak yet.

  • User's profile picture Martin Cage says:

    Cross platform apps have been the biggest contributors in support of cloud. Every leading brand has its own app now that runs on cloud facilities.

  • User's profile picture Jenna Adams says:

    iCloud security for the security? Last year, iCloud was in news for all the wrong reasons about security.

  • User's profile picture Enrique Chavez says:

    Azure and AWS…which one is better for a developer looking for mobile services? What’s your recommendation?

    • User's profile picture Nishant Kadian says:

      Both the cloud services are competing hard to provide the better ground for the developers. Particularly for mobiles, Microsoft has made big announcements with features and offers lately. However, AWS is silent but hardly lacks anything with features. And there are many more options as well to up to. Only a better dig into your needs can find a conclusive choice.

  • User's profile picture David Parnell says:

    Currently with mobiles, we are moving towards the shrinking of hardware. We might soon be a part of a world with no hardware and everything virtual. Social networks, cloud, and VR technology are yet to expand to intense levels.

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