Application Hosting

In-House QuickBooks Server vs. QuickBooks Cloud Hosting: Top 6 Differences

In this day and age, a majority of the accounting demographic prefer QuickBooks Desktop as the premier software for their business accounting tasks. However, the most common question that often…

How Cloud Computing And Accountancy Is Related In More Ways Than You Think

For nontechies cloud computing is a term that sends a chill down their spine. They are not able to get hold of the idea of running an application or software…

5 Essentials That Make Your Cloud Service Provider A Suitable Choice

Cloud computing has proved itself to be a very useful aide of a businessman. We all are very well versed with the benefits it has to offer. Cloud hosting has…

Is This The Right Time To Upgrade QuickBooks To 2014 Version?

The QuickBooks 2013 and other earlier versions are more than capable of doing the same job that a new version promises. Therefore, for many users an update proves to be…

Is QuickBooks Mobile Device Usage Following a Steep Rising Path?

As the number of mobile devices is displaying a steady increase, the major players emerging as a choice are the iPhone, iPad, and Android phones. A major advantage to such…

[Infographic] 15 Keys to Successful Cloud Business Practice

Over the past couple of decades, the cloud computing industry has been growing substantially. It has become an integrated part of modern businesses and entrepreneurs. The momentum behind cloud technology…

5 Myths Holding You Back To Move QuickBooks To Cloud

The decision of whether to move your QuickBooks to the cloud can be a daunting one. After all, this means an entire modification in the IT department and sourcing. However,…

How QuickBooks Hosting Eases Anytime Generation of Accounting Reports?

One of the most intriguing features of QuickBooks cloud hosting is that it benefits accountants immensely in carrying out various complex bookkeeping and report generation activities. It offers various flexible…

How QuickBooks Hosting Manages Multiple Copies of Fiscal Data?

With acquaintance to the cloud and hosted service benefits, accountants are now rapidly considering it profitable in terms of expenses and time savings to make a move to remotely managed…

Collection of Accounts Receivables – 6 Easy Steps for Better Management

How would you feel if you serve your customers in a timely manner and with complete dedication but ultimately linger around receiving the payments for a long time? In reality,…