6 Reasons Your Business Urgently Needs WebTitan DNS Filtering

Internet is the wild west of our times. Is your team safe while browsing the web?  

Largely lawless and home to a large population of malicious actors, the Internet is not safe. On the other hand, no modern business can thrive without Internet connectivity and cloud services. You have no choice but to venture out into the Internet wilderness. Your business needs the shield of WebTitan DNS filtering to block malicious web agents.


Targeting employee browser usage is a common tactic adopted by cybercriminals. Per Neustar International Security Council’s (NISC) survey, 72% of participating businesses suffered a DNS attack in 2022.  

What are businesses doing to block harmful and malicious internet content? Not much, unfortunately. This is why we need to talk about the importance of DNS filtering and introduce you to the market-leading DNS filtering solution 

What is DNS filtering? 

A DNS filtering solution is a type of web filtering technology used to block harmful or inappropriate internet content. It prevents malware attacks by blocking users from accessing malicious webpages and phishing websites.  

DNS filtering is a straightforward process. Whenever a web user tries to access a particular website, the DNS filter compares the query to a blocklist of unwanted domains. If a match is found, the DNS resolution process is blocked, and the user cannot access harmful content.  

To know more about how Domain Name Servers (DNS) work and the DNS filtering process, read  

DNS filtering services are easy to implement, have low maintenance overheads, and are operationally accessible. That is why they are one of the best cybersecurity solutions for small and medium businesses looking to enhance their security posture.  

But why should you choose WebTitan DNS Filtering services? We’re here with some undeniable reasons why WebTitan’s DNS filtering solution is the best suited for your business.  

6 Reasons to Choose WebTitan DNS Filter 

WebTitan DNS Filter is an advanced solution providing defense against both HTTP and HTTPS security threats. Enhanced using intelligent technologies, the WebTitan DNS Filter employs multiple layers of threat detection and prevention mechanisms 

The solution leverages the threat corpus from hundreds of millions of end-users to optimize its machine learning algorithms. The vast repository of threat intelligence enables WebTitan DNS Filter to predict and detect emerging threats. The AI-powered DNS filter dynamically responds to evolving blocklists of malicious URLs. An intelligent approach to DNS security is critical in a rapidly evolving threat landscape.  

Apart from next-generation detection capabilities, here are other reasons why your business needs WebTitan DNS Fiter.  

Suggested Reading: Top 6 DNS Filtering Solutions for Businesses in 2023

    1. Advanced URL filtering 

WebTitan DNS Filter is equipped to sort website URLs into 53 predefined categories. The categories range from social media and news to prohibited content like such as gambling and pornography. WebTitan’s system contains more than 500 million domain names in over 200 languages, each categorized as per its content. Your team members get highly accurate and flexible filtering based on in-depth content analysis.  

  2. Malware & phishing protection

Malware and phishing are the most common attack vectors in today’s cybersecurity landscape. WebTitan DNS Filter protects your organizational network by blocking access to compromised, malicious, and spam-based websites. Even if your team member falls for a phishing attempt and clicks on a harmful link, WebTitan will stop them from opening the link and becoming a victim.  

   3. Flexible policy creation 

Every business has unique web browsing practices. Content filtration requirements depend on factors like the market, the product, marketing strategies, communication requirements, and leadership choices. While most offices block online gaming and shopping websites, some companies choose not to strictly police their employees.   

    4. Cloud keys enabled policy exceptions 

There are exceptions to every rule, and WebTitan DNS Filter honors that. The administrator has complete authority to create exceptions to the general orgnaizational internet policy. Cloud keys can be created instantly that allow selected users to bypass a policy rule. Such exceptions can be created for multiple users and controlled by time or date.  

   5. Customized reporting 

As a business owner, of course you’re curious about what your team googles during work hours. WebTitan DNS Filter gives you complete visibility and comprehensive reporting. Clients have access to a full suite of detailed reports on group and user activity. Additionally, you can also view real-time browsing activity.  

   6. Web-based user interface 

Users can securely access the WebTitan DNS Filter interface online. In a busy day with multiple open tasks, an easy-to-use solution makes all the difference. With an interactive and intuitive interface, users are allowed to easily access the dashboard, manage their policies, and generate custom reports.  

Ace Managed DNS Filtering with WebTitan – The Future of Secure Web Browsing 

A safe, intuitive, and fully integrated web browsing experience is just a touch away. Businesses require new-age network security with DNS-layer protection. With Ace as your managed security provider, a fully-equipped 24/7/365 security operations center is aligned for every security need. Maximize your defenses with advanced granular control over modern security threats. 

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About Nolan Foster

With 20+ years of expertise in building cloud-native services and security solutions, Nolan Foster spearheads Public Cloud and Managed Security Services at Ace Cloud Hosting. He is well versed in the dynamic trends of cloud computing and cybersecurity.
Foster offers expert consultations for empowering cloud infrastructure with customized solutions and comprehensive managed security.

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