Benefits Of Integrated Accounting, Tax, & Payroll

Controlling and managing different segments of the business is among the most challenging tasks. No matters the type of business that you own, certain tasks (like – tax filing, accounting, workforce management, etc.) are inevitable. So, to bring down the human efforts involved with it, technology brought a resolute help in the form of dedicated software for different tasks.

Integrating Different Business Tools

Accounting, Tax, Payroll, and WFM (Workforce Management) software are some of the necessities for almost every Small and Medium Business (SMB). Adopting these solutions will simplify the operations, minimize the errors, and reduce the human efforts. So, it offers a great shy of relief.

However, business management and control can be even simpler – if you integrate the different software together. Integrating different business software means that various business software are able to exchange the information between them.


Image Credit: Control de Deuda via Flickr

Advantages of Integrating Business Software

Here are the major benefits that your business gains by integrating accounting, tax, payroll, workforce management and other business software:

1. Automated Information Sharing

All software that are serving your business will require certain information to process the required tasks. Some of these pieces of information may be commonly required by the different software. For example, the salary details of the employee as apart from the obvious payroll software, your accounting software and tax software need it too.

Traditional usage of software will require you to enter the same information repeatedly. Switching to the integrated software set, provide the information once and software will exchange it on their own. Manual efforts are reduced significantly.

2. Easier Control

Different applications have different operations to perform, such as – filling forms, managing statements, calculate estimates, remind the due payments, prepare bills, view employee performance, preparing a master data file for the entire business, etc. Also, with the more number of applications comes the troubles of managing them. Integrating them solves these problems in a big.

Though, initially, integrating them might take some minutes of time, but then on the convenience it offers, is immense. You can control some of the processes of one application with another. Some of the most used commonly used applications even offer built-in feature that lets it be controlled with another business software. So, you do not have to switch between the applications repeatedly and can work in a hassle-free way.

3. No Dedicated Professionals Required

With the manual efforts reducing, the data merging in the simpler format and controls getting easier, there is no requirement for hiring professionals for different applications. As the modern applications are going cross-device compatible, you can even the access them over your phone or laptop while traveling.

It also gives you an added reason for taking control of your business on your own instead of hiring someone else for the task. With lesser staffing requirements, your business will save not only the salary but other resources, like – machine and infrastructure.

Getting The Best Performance For Integrated Business Tools

As the number of applications installed on the local machines increases, its performance is likely to suffer. When the integration between the applications is not available with built-in features and some third-party solution is required, it becomes essential for the machine to have top-performance resources, which can be a costly affair.

The recommended option, in this case, is the cloud. As the cloud servers offer resources at affordable pricing, it does not take the toll on your pocket and is still able to deliver the optimum performance. Considering that most of the business tools are already available in the cloud version, it is better to go with the similar platform to keep the business in perfect shape.

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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Comments (1)

  • User's profile picture Ritch says:

    Startup can pressurize the owners to handle a number of responsibilities because of limited workforce. Relying on software helps, but integrating them helps a lot more.

  • User's profile picture Abraham says:

    Integrating different applications is good but not a necessity. There are certain business software suites that offer a complete package with it.

    • User's profile picture Deepanshu Gahlaut says:

      I agree that there are a number of business software suites available in the market that bring built-in integration. They might even cost lesser. But they usually lack on the features of one application or the other. For the optimum software utility, we suggest going with the specialized software.

  • User's profile picture Sara Rosso says:

    More than automation of information, integration helps in error-free update. Manual interactions involve more chances of error. Another important thing is proper integration so that version upgrade or something similar with one application does not affect the complete integrated system.

  • User's profile picture Sabah says:

    Integration on the local machine has more challenges than benefits. With some useful business tools shifting to cloud, staying with the local installation of other does not seem a productive idea. Going for the cloud with all should be the current strategy.

  • User's profile picture Jacey says:

    Size of the enterprise has a great dependency in choosing to go with or without integrated .

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