Business Continuity Plan (BCP): What Is It? Know How Can ACE Hosted VDI Support You

Imagine a scenario when your PC crashes, you lose access to business data, and you’re losing time. How would you deal with this situation? Would you be able to recover the data loss? Would you be able to bring back the time and clients lost in this time frame?

After the pandemic, Virtualization has revolutionized the way every firm approaches business continuity strategy. A decade ago, most firms invested in massive equipment in-house.

Today, thanks to cloud-based virtualization solutions, the need to have on-premise servers has disappeared from most offices. But moving to virtual solutions doesn’t specifically mean that businesses are free of disasters and can’t face downtimes.


Establishing a business continuity plan must be a firm’s primary concern to have a stable work model even with virtual desktop solutions. Issues like server downtime are common when the workforce operates from different corners of the world. Therefore, it’s best to have a business continuity strategy in place to address these situations before they occur.

What Is a Business Continuity Plan? Do You Need One for Your Firm?

A business continuity plan (BCP) includes identifying the possible threats to putting all procedures in the act before or after a disaster occurs. In this situation, firms can plan to prevent operations failure by creating effective business continuity plans.

It determines how risks can affect business operations and what protocols or policies can be implemented for mitigation. Also, a BCP must include Plan B in case any of the applied protocols fail; otherwise, there can be a halt in business. 

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How Can Cloud Virtual Desktop Solutions Help in Maintaining Business Continuity? 

Cloud-based virtualization implies the managed desktops and applications hosted in third-party servers are implemented with robust security and business continuity features. 

With Cloud Virtual Desktops comes business continuity for every firm. As the desktops are hosted in a virtual environment, powered on Citrix Platform, your workforce can access the company applications from any device. This type of infrastructure not only boosts data security but also offers business continuity during any disaster. 

Undoubtedly, virtualization delivers many game-changing advantages, but when it breaks, it can lead to severe repercussions for companies, especially those whose normal operations rely on IT. 

Depending on the type of disruption, the repercussions can result in:  

  • Employees being unable to communicate with each other  
  • Employees lose access to company files 
  • Website down for several hours (or days)
  • The inability of clients to communicate with the sales team 
  • Loss of business data 
  • Employees unable to communicate with admin or management  

Employees unable to communicate with admin or management

Image Source: Citrix 

Did you know downtimes cost SMBs an average of $77,989 every single year? Also, there are a few hidden costs associated, such as idle employees, client service risks, and the inability of clients to contact you for service. The most critical loss of trust from the client’s end. Ultimately, these all lead to a revenue hit for your company. 

Cloud-hosted virtual desktops and applications are exemplary for maintaining business continuity as they enable you to secure your team’s access to applications utilizing any device—even in the case of data center rendering. This feature of remote access guarantees that business continuity plans are in place. 

How Can Business Continuity Mitigate Risks for Your Firm? 

In today’s competitive environment, even a minor disruption can cost an enterprise a million bucks. Business continuity plans prepare your firm to make strategic investments and maintain data backup even in the case of major disaster scenarios. 

At its core, a BCP aims to empower firms to meet recovery time objectives and have a robust security framework when unforeseen happens. By anticipating emergencies and determining mission-critical operations, your firm can easily improve its prospects for overcoming enormous challenges. A systematic business continuity approach with the right hosted desktop solution ensures the leaders can support internal teams and external stakeholders. 

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ACE Hosted Virtual Desktop Solutions for Business Continuity 

ACE virtual desktop infrastructure, supported by the cloud, modernizes firms by giving them the power to plan, respond, and retrieve from crises, be it a natural disaster, cyberattack, or website downtime. The managed VDI solutions support critical IT processes while ensuring business continuity amid potential hazards by analyzing its impact deeply. 

Here are a few result-oriented benefits that ACE virtual desktops bring in terms of business continuity. 

  • The ACE infrastructure is easy to deploy in any environment, even when the data was previously hosted on a different infrastructure. 
  • Our team updates and manages the infrastructure components, including connectors. Your IT admins only manage the desktop hosts / Remote PC Access machines. 
  • Virtual desktop environments can be implemented in just a few hours, accessible to employees from around the globe. 
  • An infinite level of scalability is there to ensure that the business is running at the time of peak demands. 
  • ICA protocols offer the most responsive HDX experience and adjusted network conditions. 
  • Session policies to secure access block data transfer to and from the virtual desktop and untrusted endpoints. 

read more what is

Read more: What is Citrix HDX? 

Ace Cloud Hosting is the best-in-class virtual desktop solution provider that supports firms in offering services even in times of crisis.   

ACE has 14+ years of experience and is a partner to more than 17000 users. Through its cloud-based virtual desktop technology platforms, Diligent enables data recovery and rolling backup to help mitigate modern business risks. We believe every firm should have the critical BCP procedures in place and experiment with them frequently to ensure they’ll be disaster ready. 

To know more about our cloud-based solutions, get in touch with our experts who can help you out. 

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About Julie Watson

Julie is a dynamic professional with over 16 years of rich experience as a VDI and Application Hosting expert. At Ace Cloud Hosting, she humanizes disruptive and emerging remote working trends to help leaders discover new and better possibilities for digital transformation and innovation by using cloud solutions with an enterprise-class security approach. Beyond work, Julie is a passionate surfer.
On the weekend, you will find her hanging out with her family or surfing around the North Shore of Oahu.

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